1. Okkervil River - Our Life is Not a Movie But Maybe
I said to myself along time ago that this track would probably be placed here, I guess i never changed my mind.
2. The National - Mistaken By Strangers
The drums, the words, the chorus, the energy, the mood.
3. Rilo Kiley - Dreamworld
This song almost takes my breath away, too good.
4. Patrick Wolf - Overture
A Sea of orchestrations inhabit this track, strong opener.
5. Devendra Banhart - Seahorse
Someone said earlier this year, shortest 8 minute song ever, they were right, pure awesome.
6. Spoon - Don't You Evah
You can't pass that groove and simplistic guitar playing.
7. Ryan Adams - Everybody Knows
Loved it first time I heard it.
8. Deerhunter - Spring Hall Convert
Epic songwriting/structuring
9. Radiohead - House of Cards
Hard decision but this one seems to click with me alot.
10. Iron and Wine - Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car
Perfect introduction to the new Iron and Wine sound.

11. Arcade Fire - Black Mirror
Neon Bible is just a platter to choose from, so i mean how do you choose? I went this option as it was the first track to really grow on me earlier this year.
12. Eddie Vedder - Hard Sun
Terrific song from Vedder, turns out to be a cover, still just as good.
13. Modest Mouse - Florida
Loved driving along to this song, so rocking, great guitar work.
14. LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great
Lovely track, quite saddening at the same time.
15. Belles Will Ring - Older Younger
Another band making great retro style 60's pop music, love it.
16. The Good, the Bad and the Queen - Herculean
Heard this track late 06 at a mates place, it instantly reminded me of the Beta Band for some reason, great song.
17. Air - Mer du Japon
Air magic.
18. Battles - Atlas
This track gets the Marc Bolan tag alot, but that's probably why I dig it, that beat is so glam.
19. Animal Collective - Cuckoo Cuckoo
Really liked this one, love the piano intro descending into pure madness.

20. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Berlin
Rock and Roll motherfucker!
21. Paul McCartney - Mr Bellamy
My highlight from the album, i also just read recently that Paul invited Thom Yorke to play on this track, though Thom had to decline, saying his skills werent quite up to scratch.
22. A Place to Bury Strangers - My Weakness
Oh so many great tracks to choose from, the intro is just awesome.
23. Dinosaur Jr - Back to Your Heart
Lou sings this one, it always resonated with me, loved hearing it live.
24. Wilco - Impossible Germany
Dug it the first time round, still dig it just as much.
25. Feist - My Moon My Man
Apparently this song is even more popular then 1,2,3,4 these days, still it's massivly catchy and awesome.
26. Les Savy Fav - Brace Yourself
Great song from a Great record
27. Queens of the Stone Age - Make it Wit Chu
I was hooked when i heard this song back on the Desert Sessions, being released as a Queens tracks surprised me a little, still a badass as anything.
28. Cass McCoombs - Crick In My Neck
Just one of the many great songs from Dropping the Writ
29. Rogue Wave - Lake Michigan
A really good album, this one should hit you immediately.

30. The Ponys - Double Vision
Loved it the moment i heard it, and loved it even more when it appeared in Entourage.
31. Nicole Atkins - Party's Over
Song after song, it was tough choosing but i felt this was a great end to the album and excellent song.
32. Blitzen Trapper - Wild Mountain Nation
This song could have been written back in the 70's in the hills of Laurel Canyon, totally awesome.
33. Blonde Redhead - Publisher
This is just like one of those tracks you hear a fair few times and then from out of nowhere just smacks your right on the nose.
34. Menomena - Evil Bee
Took me awhile to come around on these guys, but this track just had it all.
35. The Panics - Sundowner
I saw this track live earlier this year and it blew me away, after i heard this song no other song mattered for the rest of the night. A great close to Cruel Guards.
36. Ghostface Killah - Yolanda's House
Instant standout track from Ghost's 2007 effort.
37. Besnard Lakes - Disaster
Possibly one of the best opening songs to an album this year.
38. The Field - A Paw in My Face
Catchy mood electronica.
39. Icarus Line - Vintage Gardens
This album totally took me by surprise, great return and this song was just one amongst so many great songs.
40. Yeasayer - 2080
Just caught this track towards the end of the year, should get massive attention in 2008, rad tune.
41. Dungen - Svart är Himlen
2 minutes of fist pumping swedish psyche rock, awesome drumming.
42. Caribou - Melody Day
Just charming.
43. Grinderman - No Pussy Blues
You pretty much know what you're getting with this song just from the title alone but damn that feedback continues the excellence.
44. Arctic Monkeys - 505
Really enjoyed Favourite Worst Nightmare, a hell of a lot more then i did their debut, pretty rocking record but this track finalises the album in such great fashion taking the band off into a new direction.
45. The Soulsavers - Kingdom of Rain
I was never sold on this album, but i was quite intrigued by their sound flying gospel influences on their sleeves, Lanegan's dry vocals are quite prominent here and as the chorus imerges the song has you sold.
46. Bruce Springsteen - Radio Nowhere
I ummed and argghed over checking out Magic, but i'm sure glad i did, there are plenty better songs on the album but this is a pretty great rock song and a good representation of the album.
47. The Polyphonic Spree - Light to Follow
This song stuck out quite prominently, each time i gave Fragile Army a spin, just had the quirkiness the other songs lacked.
48. Midnight Juggernauts - Into the Galaxy
Wasnt a huge fan of the album, but once i heard this track i couldnt stop listening, so catchy.
49. Fountains of Wayne - Traffic and Weather
The record accumulated a few good reviews, so i decided to check out the record, not really my thing apart from a few really great pop tunes, this one was one of the better pop songs of the year.
Really dug their sound from the debut record, but this album wasn't much to talk about, this song is great though, pure pop.
51. Interpol - Mammoth
As much as I dig this band, the album was quite ordinary, though a few really cool tracks this one was always really enjoyable for me.
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