Sean's List
Honourable Mentions - Dungen - Tio Bitar, Devendra Banhart - Smokey Rolls DownThunder Canyon, Icarus Line - Black Lives at the Golden Coast, Bruce Springsteen - Magic, Blitzen Trapper - Wild Mountain Nation, The Ponys - Turn the Lights Out, Rilo Kiley - Under the Blacklight, Dinosaur Jr - Beyond, Rufus Wainwright - Release the Stars, Kanye West - Graduation, Justice - +, Blonde Redhead - 23, Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare, Ghostface Killah - Big Doe Rehab, Baroness - Red Album, Kevin Drew - Spirit if.., Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Baby 81, Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank.

21. Sunset Rubdown - Random Spirit Lover
The first record from Spencer Krug that i've come to like, truly impressive sophomore effort from his other band.

20. Eddie Vedder - Into the Wild
Eddie Vedder's first ever solo album and companion piece to Sean Penn's exceptional film, Into the Wild. I had listened to this quite alot before seeing the film. Even though the album was already quite impressive, when seeing the film the music is taken to a complete new level.
19. Battles - MirroredBattles have pretty much commericialized the term "math-rock" in the underground music scene this year. Some of the music created here is purely remarkable.
18. Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil For awhile there I really didn't think much of this album at all. Then one evening is just all clicked together. This is one great garage rock record.

17. Besnard Lakes....Are the Dark Horse
Dark and Gloomy yet has many pop sensiblities strewn across this excellent album.
16. Nicole Atkins - Neptune City
One late night I witnessed Nicole Atkins play the David Letterman show, very curious i researched her and got her debut album quick smart to be blown away straight away. A strong voice with a sound so lush.
15. Caribou - Andorra
A collection of excellent eclectic electronic pop songs from Dan Snaith.
14. Cass McCombs - Dropping the Writ
Probably my "new" favourite Singer/Songwriter artist of the year. While the songs are kept fairly simple, he executes them with such grandeur.
13. Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
Constantly pushing the boundaries of modern pop music, the music might be a bit strange to the casual listener but that's because it's quite strange. Each listen brings something new to my ears which is always refreshing.
12. Liars - Liars
I spent most of 2006 trying to come to terms with Liars third album "Drum's Not Dead" no matter how many times i listened to it, nothing happened. Though everyone else i pretty much talked to said it was amazing. Sure it was intriguing but I struggled and still struggle to find that brilliance. More importantly Liars came out with their fourth album this year with a more "conventional" sound and boy is it fabulous. Dark sounds with a jagged edge. If pollution had a sound this would probably be it.
11. A Place to Bury Strangers - A Place to Bury Strangers
Some say it's practically like the second coming of Psychocandy, with saying that it's not too far away from the truth, this is an exceptional modern day ear shattering shoegaze noise record.

10. Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
Whenever someone says there is no good rock and roll around these days, I just tell them to listen to this record.
9. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
A grand sophomore effort, probably the best released this year. Without comparing it too Funeral, the album has remained as fresh as the day it was released. One incredible song after the next.

8. Belles Will Ring - Mood Pattern
My favourite Australian album of the year, another 60's neo-psychedelic group. Great record.

7. Iron and Wine - The Shepherd's Dog
I was intrigued by this album from the very first time i heard it. Sam Beam steps up his game, not that he had to. Devil Never Sleeps rocks.
6. Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger
My favourite modern day singer songwriter places it safe in 2007 with the release of just one album and e.p. Ryan ties several of his influences together upon the Tiger.
5. Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
I've always been a casual Spoon fan, but my respect levels increased tenfold this year with the release of Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, just simple effective songwriting.
4. Radiohead - In RainbowsAnother slice of Radiohead magic, took a little while to get used too, but when the transistion was made it delievered on many levels.

3. Deerhunter - Cryptograms
Nothing more can be said about how amazing this album really is. Creative, dark, atmospheric. One of the best of the decade.

2. Okkervil River - The Stage Names.
The Stage Names for me is one of the most evocative albums of the year. With Sheff's fine songwriting he has nine incredible songs to add to the Okkervil River canon.

1. The National - Boxer
This one grows and continues to grow, it was a pretty great feeling when this one struck a chord with me as not only did it evoke much admiration from me, it got itself to the number one place in my annual top albums list and 2007 wasn't an easy year to perform such a task. The songs are dark, broody and ominous. Ada is something special.