[Beat the World Records; August 2008]
Despite the apparent disdain a lot of people associate with The Dandy Warhols, they've always struck a chord when it comes to not really giving a fuck about anything. Their music is a source of having a good time and that's never changed. Courtney Taylor-Taylor's attempt to draw out the process and get a little zany within the music his band create rubs people up the wrong way. However, in saying this, it's always been enjoyable, which is that the primary objective isn't it?
Earth to the Dandy Warhols is the first Dandy's record since their departure from major label, Capitol, and the results are misleading. Despite many probably not even bothering with this release, the classic saying of 'never say never' is embroiled all through this Earth.... Some bands work well when a gun isn't held to their head at point blank range and The Dandy Warhols quite aptly fall into this category.
'Mission Control' is overloaded with Zia McCabe's twirling keyboard clusters and Taylor-Taylor's baritone of hypnotic vocals. 'Welcome to The Third World' rolls around a bass groove and funky guitar lick for Taylor-Taylor to wax a narrative platitude around. 'Wasp in the Lotus' is that catchy tune of drug-induced guitars and sluggish vocal writhes that always seem to embellish themselves on a Dandy Warhols record. 'Do You Love Me' flows as good as any song on the record with the Dandy's still proving that they can pen a decent melody.
Like the majority of later Dandy's material Earth to the Dandy Warhols is pleasantly all of the the shop. From pop numbers that could form into hit singles, to poppy drugscapes that hold a bold exterior, it's all here greeting listeners with its heart-on-sleeve attitude. The title of this album speaks for itself, really. With the relaxed environment this album was conceived in, it seems to have brought out the best in Portland, Oregon's phantom outfit. It's still messed up, but in a more focused sense.
By Simon K
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