Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Album Review - Elvis Costello & The Imposters

Elvis Costello & The Imposters – Momofuku
[Lost Highway; 22/04/2008]

The beauty about Declan MacManus is that he's never fitted in. From the realms of London pub rock during the '70s, Elvis Costello has always delivered something that defies the odds. This time it's with his band, The Imposters, and in the shape and form of Momofuku.

Costello has swayed towards the angle of writing a love song with Momofuku. The lyrics he conjures swathe between a clear dabble with pop and it's evident, drafting in Rilo Kiley's Jenny Lewis to guest on vocals during the album.

Guitars merely progress past a couple of chords, while Costello unleashes lyrics that come across in light-hearted fashion, however - as always the case – things are never as they seem when relating to this artist. Even with the sound, opening track 'No Hiding Place' culminates with an alt-country stomp that hits you all the way from left field, which is what Costello has basically made a career out of doing.

'Flutter and Wow' is up there with the highlights of the album. A ballad in typical sense, this track wouldn't be out of place in your local boozer on a Sunday afternoon, with the local crooner doing his best to murder it. 'Go Away' closes the album, with a loose pop jangle and catchy melody making it the most straight-forward song on the album.

Many are saying that it's Costello's best album since the days of Brutal Youth. These mutterings could be somewhat off the mark, based on the fact that Costello is always striving for something different, making comparisons between his works an all but impossible task. The work Costello has released over the years may not always reap the rewards, and the same goes for Momofuku, where some listeners will evidently gain more fruition than others.

By Simon K

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