[Domino Records; 05/05/2008]
With the slew of elements that the Animal Collective's music comprises of, it's difficult to gauge the ability of their albums in conjunction with the release dates of them. Previously, I've found myself still picking up different things 12 months after they've released an album and their new EP, Water Curses, isn't any different.
'Street Flash' is the pick of the bunch with everything on this release jammed into the song's entirety. Busy samples and manipulated vocals are just some of translucent waves that build up to Lennox delivering a murderous shriek above a sampled melody that reaches the climax of the track.
'Cobwebs' and 'Seal Eyeing' are numbers the Animal Collective have always felt comfortable in unleashing. Respectively, the two could quite easily fit into the calculations of what the band was doing during Feels, with slow velcro drawls that certainly don't weigh up short when comparing to material such as 'Daffy Duck'.
With various tracks recorded during the Strawberry Jam sessions, there's definitely a form of nexus between the two respective releases that would not surprise listeners had different tracks been shifted from one another. In Water Curses' case, the glib noise we've come to hear from Baltimore's finest continues, coming in luscious forms of melodic noise and chaotic crescendos, while the notions of a band that seemingly hold the future of music in their hands continues to fight fit.
By Simon K
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