[Vice; 19/02/2008]
The Raveonettes have always possessed an uber-cool quality, not too dissimilar to that of Lou Reed and Nico, which was loved by followers and scenesters, alike. Unlike their heroes, though, The Raveonettes don’t prevail in the artistic stakes, but they have all the fun for trying.
The basis has always been there for The Raveonettes, but they have fallen just under average, until now with Lust Lust Lust rendering a menacing aura of guitar noise and caterwauling fuzz. Once, a sound that peered through the cracks, now Sune Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo have made an album that perpetually shreds at your ears. Look no further than ‘Hallucinations’ with its bellowing riffs, echoing drumbeats and window shaking feedback.
The Beach Boys influence still remains in spics and specs, while the influence The Jesus & Mary Chain’s piercing cold harsh noise is truly prominent. Despite boarding along the lines of being merely a tribute band, Lust Lust Lust is actually a palatable representation of how modern day rock ‘n’ roll should sound with distortion, fuzz, feedback and the rest of the tricks that are worthy of making one’s ears dysfunctional.
It’s not the most original thing floating around, but maybe the most intriguing message out of all of this is that The Raveonettes have shown that it’s never too late to make a good record.
By Simon
1 comment:
I think it's easily their best yet. I don't find the distortion too harsh on the ears, it somehow seems quite melodic and atmospheric.
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