Yes it's true, we're living in the age of the "leftovers" as i call it. Which basically means some of the most important artists who released music(considered classics now) in past decades, are thankfully still around today releasing new material and touring.
It could have been one of the most imporant times of my life, I just don't know it yet and probably still don't. Bob Dylan announced his tour earlier this year in support of his well recieved latest effort entitled "Modern Times". If you're a big enough fan or were curious enough to gain possession of a ticket, you'd be more than aware of his current state in which he peforms.
Dylan and his band hit the stage after the support of the hand picked Irish act, the Frames. I was in awe as he casually took the stage knowing (or maybe not) that he still has it, with a guitar in toe and hat on head he prompted himself towards the microphone as he and his band rocketed enthusiastically into the first song. From then on he left all the guitar work to his band by taking up the organ in the centre of the stage for the remainder of the set.
For a man this late in his career still pulling off an arena show with such ease, continues to amaze me. Fans may tell you of their disappointment of the songs played, as the set list was heavily dominated by his latest material. The handful of classic tracks scattered amongst the set was more than anybody could have hoped for as much cheer and excitement filled the arena at the beginning of each song. Very quiet throughout the set, just playing on and on, he only spoke nearing the end of the concert as he proudly introduced his band.
Anyone who says they're unhappy with the way he performs are just kidding themselves, his voice may not be what it used to be but it still carries well enough especially off the back off his last three albums. They knew what to expect when purchasing tickets, and as i looked around so did the several other thousand fans.
Playing classic songs such as "It ain't me, Babe", Just like Tom Thumb's Blues", "Lay Lady Lay" which was my definite highlight, "Ballad of a Thin Man", "Tangled up in Blue" and closing the set which crowd favourite "All Along the Watchtower".
In ways i'm unable to really tell you the feeling of seeing Dylan perform live, it's just one of those things you have to experience for yourself. Here's some help from a thesaurus that still doesn't really do this concert justice, amazing, astounding, bewildering, breathtaking, extraordinary, impressive, marvelous, miraculous, spectacular, staggering, startling, striking, stunning, stupefying, stupendous, wonderful, wondrous.
This is one gig i'm glad i didn't miss, another true musical legend to add the ever growing performance list.
Sean B
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