Prior to its release, this album from one of Brooklyn's quirkiest indie outfit was highly-anticipated in the indie music circles. Unlike its predecessor, it's doesn't instantly hit you in the face, however there is a profusion of goodness if you're patient enough.
Critics seemed to have employed the good old build-em up-knock-'em-down attitude, however if you dig your music you'll know very well then to give two fucks about what some wanky art fag writer thinks.
Overall, not a bad album, but it's no classic either. Give it time; patience is definitely a virtue with this one.
Rating 6.5/10.

If there's one band that has brought elation to indie music lovers it has to be this Texas post-rock juggernaut. Their spine tingling riffs and atmospheric build-ups have a heart melting quality about them. Although Explosions In The Sky construct their albums by implementing a similar framework, the results continue to be timeless.
AOASIME falls somewhere in between the greatness of "Earth Isn't A Cold and Lonely Place" and the guitar throbbing "Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die". However that's not to say that the best is past the Austin collective. The opening beast that is 'The Birth and Death of A Day' stamps the band's authority as one of the classiest in the genre of post-rock, while the chilling effects and epic moodiness of 'It's Natural To Afraid' can go down as one of the band's finest tunes ever put to paper.
With the peaks outweighing the troughs, it's fair to say that many will be satisfied of with the noise that EITS have produced this time around. Definitely the band's darkness release to date, adding more fine tunes to the catalogue of Austin's finest post-rock act.
Rating: 7/10
Simon K
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